
const debug = require('debug')('node-vcr')
const http = require('http')
const https = require('https')
const followRedirects = require('follow-redirects')
const { promisify } = require('util')
const url = require('url')

const modMapping = {
  'http': http,
  'https': https

 * Proxy `req` to `host` and yield the response.
 * @module node-vcr/proxy
 * @param { http.IncomingMessage } req
 * @param { Array.<Buffer> } body
 * @param { String } host
 * @param { Number } maxRedirects
 * @returns { Promise.<http.IncomingMessage> }
const proxy = (req, body, host, maxRedirects, callback) => {
  followRedirects.maxRedirects = maxRedirects

  const uri = url.parse(host)
  const protocol = uri.protocol.replace(':', '')

  // if maxRedirects is enabled in settings the client still can disable
  // redirect for custom request by setting the maxredirects header to 0
  let redirect = maxRedirects > 0
  if (req.headers.maxredirects === '0') {
    redirect = false

  const mod = redirect ? followRedirects[protocol] || followRedirects.http : modMapping[protocol] || http
  const pReq = mod.request({
    hostname: uri.hostname,
    port: uri.port,
    method: req.method,
    path: req.url,
    headers: req.headers,
    servername: uri.hostname,
    rejectUnauthorized: false
  }, (pRes) => {
    return callback(null, pRes)


  debug(`req=${req.url} host=${}`)

  body.forEach((buf) => {


module.exports = promisify(proxy)